Our best attempt was 2.9%... Yes, bloody 2.9%! We basically all thought we had it. If couple of people wouldn't have died at the 30%-20% period, he would be dead. And when you miss a kill by mere 3%, you know you get pissed when you reach that in first hour of the raid and, for the remainder, barely scrap to phase 3. It's so annoying and demoralizing, and mind you that I (well, besides a laggy attempt when I screwed up entire raid) was doing my best and was focused basically 100%.
If I was in Ensidia I'd probably say Yogg-Saron is awesome. If we had 100% focused and skilled people we would have reached the stage we reached today weeks ago, and we would have enough tries to get Phase 3 down as well. But even then, the fight would have way to many RNG elements for my liking.
I'll take an example of our last try, when everybody did their best. We wiped at around 28% in phase 3 or so. The first critique I have is transition from phase 1 to phase 2. On our best attempt (2.9%) we screwed up 2 adds (meaning we didn't kill them near Sara). Yet we managed a transition from phase 1 to phase 2 with only 1 add alive on low HP to nuke, therefore the dps outside could start nuking Crushers in time. However, on our last attempt last night we had perfect phase 1 (no screw ups), yet we had 3 adds on transition from phase 1 to phase 2. It's not completely random, but it's way from controllable so it's pain in the neck. If you don't have good transition here the only reason you want to carry on is if you want to get some more practice on phase 2 (which we frankly master now). That's the problem with Yogg-Saron fight, if you screw up transition from phase 1 to phase 2 it's game over. You can make phase 2 (easily tbh), but you won't make phase 3 as there'll be Crusher and lots of Corruptors which will eventually drain your raid in phase 3.
My second bitching goes to how Crushers&Tentacles spawn in phase 2. Tentacle grabbing a melee that's supposed to go in the portals (mostly on the opposite side of where majority of the raid is, which means he's gonna miss the portal anyway) happens almost every second attempt. Still, we somehow have some backup (mostly me or another melee/hunter), so he jumps in instead if there's a need. Okay, still it's managable, but very annoying.
Last but not least, Crushers. On our last attempt, as I said, we had a perfect run in phase 1 and phase 2. Now after meleers got brains to 30% inside Yoggy's mind, just before the transition, a Crusher spawns right at Yoggy's mouth. Imagine 10 ppl being thrown right into the untanked Crusher. I somehow managed to survive by using Deterrence while being thrown out, sadly most people didn't have the reaction to pop survival mode. Or their classes don't have a form of such defence. Basically we wasted like 8 minutes in phase 1 and 2 just to get instagibbed in phase 3.

I'm disappointed by Blizzard's preferrence to random encounters. I guess since this is the "final" boss of the instance the only way they could guarantee it's difficulty was to incorporate some RNG elements. Which sux to be honest. It's just a stupid little timesink that makes longer to kill a boss and is frustrating as hell.
If he doesn't go down tonight I quit raiding for a long period. Not because I'm beaten but because IRL's gonna press hard and I've (apparently fruitless) put much effort into it just to come on Yogg progress raids.
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