The first thing I had to do is to go into ZG, get to a special area called Pagle Point (there's alcohol bottles scattered all around the place, heh), pick up some tape that once belonged to Nat Pagle, and return it to his owner. Sadly, Nat Pagle is currently residing in Dustwallow Marsh, which is way off ZG. Luckily you only need to do the quest once, then you can buy Lure from the man. I bought 20 pieces (each costs 1g). Then you have to go back to ZG, and in the waters around the Altar of Hakkar there are some "Muddy Churning Water"-s, and you need to fish 5 Zulian Mudskunks from those pools. Then all you have to do is combine the lure and the fish while in Pagle Point, and Gahz'Ranka will spawn. As you will see, Gahz'Ranka encouraged me to clear more than half of the instance, so I'll go step by step and comment on what I think is important if you're a lost hunter trying to solo ZG (well, any class really).

Basically this fight is trivial and really really easy. The only tough thing about it is that she knocks the tank back occasionaly, so check my pic. See that huge stone head in the top left corner? Tank it there, and the tank will receive no knockback. Her hits are quite low, the only thing about this fight is that it lasts long because she/he got a really large health pool. It just comes to keep Mend Pet on pet all the time, and Feign Death when neccesary, and nuke. One-shot.
2.High Priestess Arlokk (panther):

I was not aware at all of this boss's strategy, but nevertheless I made it by the way. The boss does some DoT which you can't do anything about. Then it's the second thing, she will cast some kind of Mark on you (never on pet) which spawns loads of panthers that come in waves and attack you. Sometimes during this time she will also disappear for a minute or so. What I found out was that when I have the mark and boss is not present, I'd just Feign Death and let the pet take care of panthers. They hit very low and got almost no life, so couple of Thunderstomp should finish them off. Otherwise I'd just use Explosive Trap and Volley to AoE them down quickly. And that's all there is... Just keep repeating this and you've won. The key here is only that you avoid taking too much damage from panthers, because you don't really have time to bandage. One-shot. Sadly the boss despawned already as I returned for screenshot.
3.High Priest Thekal (tiger):

This boss was the first one that was a bit trickier. One thing about the trash (I wiped once!!), send pet in and let it grab some solid aggro on tigers, and then nuke down one by one. If you get a pack of those tigers on you you're dead man. They will perma-stun you, really. It's so annoying.
Anyway, the boss. I've read about the strategy and made 2 macros, which I'll post here:
/tar zealot zath
/cast scorpid sting
/tar zealot lor'khan
/cast viper sting
Firstly when you start the fight nuke the 2 tigers down, they die fast. The boss himself has 2 adds, one is kind of rogue, while other is kind of priest. Rogue will do some insane damage, and occasionaly gouge you or the pet. The priest will keep silencing you (or Thekal, dunno lol), and he'll be healing. Note that the damage rogue and Thekal output is quite high, and counting that you'll be silenced 80% of the time, you really need to spam Mend Pet. First time I wiped because I wasn't keeping Mend Pet up 100%. It's extremely vital! So even if it's on half of duration and you don't have silence, refresh it. This also means you'll be loads more in Viper, but it's neccesary if you want to kill the boss. Then I nuke down one by one, first Thekal, then the rogue and lastly the priest, while spamming both macros everytime Viper Sting is off CD. Of course priest will heal them so you'll have to switch some targets in between. Anyway, when I got one to 10% I put Thunderstomp on the pet on off, and nuke them each separately. They need to die in 10 seconds between each other, otherwise they respawn with full hp and mana. After you've done this though, you've won. From here on the fight is piece of cake. Misdirection on pet, keep Mend Pet up, and nuke the boss. At around 30% the boss started spawning some tigers, I just ignored them and nuked the boss down. Sadly no mount, but I'll definately be farming this boy for it now I know how to kill him. 2-shotted.
4.High Priest Venoxis (snake):

This one's such a cake. Really. You go in, send pet, wait till snakes rush on him, and start spamming Thunderstomp. The damage it'll receive is minimal, keeping Mend Pet up will result in it having 90%+ health all the time. I just waited a minute or so for pet to get aggro, and then nuked the boss. I ignored the snakes completely. One-shot.
5.High Priestess Jeklik (bat):

Basically this boss is not hard in itself, it just lasts long. First time I've wiped, the reason being because I didn't know that she's an avid self-healer. Give her 3 heals, and she'll heal 100% of her HP back. I don't know wheter Pummel from Gorilladin or Intimidation worked on interrupting heals or not, I was getting Immune message although people on WoWhead say that's only for the silence effect. Basically she transforms to human form at 50%, and the bat riders start running in, and if you can't nuke her down you'll just be overrun (the bat riders don't actually join in the fight, they just fly around and throw fire bombs at you & pet). Solution: drain her mana to 0 before getting into phase 2 (getting her to 50%). Here's what I did. Pet was just tanking her for like 3 minutes or so, while I was just Viper Stinging her when it was off CD (I didn't attack her!). After pet got a sufficient aggro I also put pet on passive and stay, so the boss was basically smacking my pet while pet didn't respond, and the only thing I did was Viper Sting her. This is because even if pet was just attacking it she'd be at 50% way before she'd reach 0 mana. Oh, the bats that come in, I'd just put Explosive Trap down and Volley them to death, they die in around 4 Volleys (interruption counted in), so no hard deal. After 50%, it's nuke (pet can attack again), and keep her Viper Stinged everytime it's off cd. That's crucial, she can cast heal with barely few mana, so it's essential she's on 0 as much as possible. Two-shot.
6.High Priest Mar'li (spider):

This boss was a bit trickier, but as I read the strategy in advance I managed to bring her down in first try. It's not really hard either. When she's in troll form, nuke her, and more importantly, nuke the spiders she summons. They don't have that much health, and with luck you can bring them close to your pet where it can AoE tank them. Then you just single-target nuke them down. Keep Mend Pet up, and nuke the boss. When the boss switches to spider form I normally just pop Bestial Wrath, so first time she'll try to snare pet with web it's immune. Also, keep Mend Pet up here, she hits a tad harder. She will eventually manage to web your pet though. Use Master's Call to get rid of 2nd web on pet. If she manages to web the pet for the 3rd time, she'll go after you. Just feign death or pop Deterrence, whatever you prefer. This is the whole fight, keep doing this and she should go down quick. One-shot.

After all 5 priests were dead I decided to try Hakkar, since he's much easier without the buffs from priests. You can skip all the trash on the Temple itself with some clever moving, so you can get to the back of the pyramid, away from the pats. Pull Hakkar, and kill him. It's that easy. It's your normal tank'n'spank fight with little incoming damage. The fight kinda feels more like Patchwerk, but only because of the insane amount of health he has, not because of his damage. Mend Pet should keep pet on basically 100% all the time. And if you're wondering if his soul drains will do anything... he only got 1 player to drain :). It's really easy... One-shot. Piece of cake!
So that leaves me the 3 optional bosses which I'll definately try. The Bloodlord Mandokir for the mount, Edge of Madness because I've never done it before and Jin'do the Hexxer well... just for the sake of it. I'm really looking forward to more adventures though, I'm sure I could kill more stuff in AQ20 and finally solo those TBC 5-mans, maybe even some heroics. It really makes difference having right glyphs, right gear and right talents.
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